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This package provides the interface to the ‘Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem’ API, mainly for searching the catalogue of available data from Copernicus Sentinel missions and obtaining the images for just the area of interest based on selected spectral bands. The package uses the ‘Sentinel Hub’ RESTful API interface to access various satellite imagery archives. It allows you to access raw satellite data, rendered images, statistical analysis, and other features.

This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by Copernicus.

Image generated by Your Name In Landsat


Stable version

You can install the current stable version of CDSE from CRAN:

Windows and macOS binary packages are available from here.

Development version

You can install the development version of CDSE including latest features from GitHub:

# install.packages("remotes")


Access to the ‘Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem’ is free, but you have to register to get the authentication credentials required to use the API. These necessary steps are explained in detail in the BEFORE YOU START article, so please read it first.

Once you have set up your working environment, the GET STARTED will guide you through the main functions and demonstrate how to use the package.


This package is released under AGPL-3.